What to Expect
Solid Rock is located at 485 Bennett Drive in Warren, Indiana. From State Road 5/Huntington Avenue at the north edge of town (across from the Heritage Pointe senior community) turn into the Warren Professional Park.
There is parking next to the church. In the event that the parking lot is full, overflow parking is available on weekends at the dental offices across the street.
On a Sunday morning at Solid Rock you will likely see shorts and tees, jeans, coats and ties, or anything in between. Wear whatever is comfortable!
Solid Rock is all on one level and is completely accessible. Automatic doors are located on the parking lot side of the building.
Greeters will meet you at the entrance to the sanctuary, hand you a bulletin, and answer any questions you may have. Solid Rock is known as a welcoming congregation, and it is likely that someone sitting near you will speak words of welcome, but as a visitor you will not be asked to participate in any way that will make you uncomfortable.
Our services feature a mix of contemporary praise music led by our praise team and traditional hymns.
Solid Rock loves kids! We have Sunday school classes for all ages, nursery care during both Sunday school and worship hours, a children’s sermon every week, and a children’s worship program. Children are welcome to stay with you in the sanctuary throughout the service if you prefer. All volunteers who work with youth have passed a background check.
An offering is collected each week to support church programming. As our guest, you should not feel obligated to participate.
The main elements of a Solid Rock worship service are praise to God through word and music, celebration of joys and sharing of concerns to be lifted in prayer, and opportunities to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through teaching. Sermons are scripturally based with practical application. Those who attend Solid Rock are at many different places in their spiritual journey, from those initially exploring the faith to others who are lifelong believers. We acknowledge that we all are sinners and church is where we come to confess, receive forgiveness, celebrate, worship, interact, grow in faith, and learn from each other’s life experiences.
All who seek to follow Jesus Christ are welcome to share in communion. Typically, Solid Rock celebrates communion on the first Sunday of the month. If you are uncomfortable participating in communion, simply remain seated when your row exits.