Programs and Ministries
Fellowship and Snacks – Join us in the Fellowship Hall Sundays at 9:45 for a pre-service time of fellowship.
Worship Service – 10:00 a.m. every Sunday. A blended service, featuring contemporary praise music and traditional hymns. Pastor John’s messages are biblically based with practical application.
Small Talk – Every Sunday, Pastor John invites the children to the front steps for a message just for them.
Children’s Church – Children who wish to participate are dismissed to Children’s Church following Pastor John’s Small Talk. Kindergarten through fifth graders learn about worship, how to become a Christian, and what it means to be a Christian, and have the opportunity to ask faith-related questions.
Nursery – Younger children are welcome in the church nursery during worship services.
Online Worship – Those unable to attend in person may join us for our Facebook livestream every Sunday morning at 10:00. Recordings of these services are also available on our Facebook page following the livestream.


Praise Team – The Solid Rock Praise Team leads the congregation in praise and contemporary music every Sunday. Their goal is to help us prepare our hearts and minds for worship and to lead us in praise of our awesome God!
Hallelujah Hands – Our sign choir uses American Sign Language (ASL) to sign music for worship. It is open to all and no prior experience in ASL is required.
Newsletter – Our newsletter is published monthly, keeping Solid Rock up to date on news and events in the congregation. It also includes a calendar and list of birthdays and anniversaries. It is delivered by email, but printed copies are also available. Contact the church office at (260) 375-3873 if you would like to receive one.
Rock Solid Youth – This group is open to youth in grades 4-12. They meet weekly at 6:00 p.m. Youth are encouraged to invite friends to join them. Other special activities, such as church camps, concerts, service projects, and social events, take place throughout the year.
Missions – Solid Rock Church supports various local, national, and international missions and outreach programs, both through independent agencies and the Global Methodist Church.
Visitation – We share our time in fellowship with church members and families who are unable to attend services on a regular basis. Visiting is a blessing for all involved. You are welcome to join us and experience this joy for yourself!
Kids Club – Children through fifth grade are invited to attend Kids Club, held on the third Thursday of each month, August through May, at 6:00 p.m. Watch for announcements, or call the church office at (260) 375-3873, for more information.
Cookie Ministry – Youth grades three and older meet periodically to bake cookies as a way to share Christ’s love with others.
Vacation Bible School – Solid Rock unites with other churches in the community for Vacation Bible School. It is held on a rotating basis at a Warren church in July.
Concession Stand – The concession stand is a ministry at Tower Park, providing a caring, Christian presence at the ball park. Families are grateful for affordably-priced concessions, and profits are reinvested in ministries and programs in the community. Volunteers are always welcome!
Bread of Life Food Pantry – Solid Rock actively supports the Warren Bread of Life Food Pantry, both through donations and volunteering of services.
Warren Area Ministerial Association – Pastor John and the Solid Rock congregation participate in the ministries of WAMA, including providing financial and other assistance to those in need in the community


Sunday School – Our Sunday school meets every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. with classes for both children and adults. Nursery is also available during this time.
Bible Study – A Bible study meets every Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. It is open to everyone. More Bible studies will be added as interest is expressed. Please contact Pastor John.
Card Ministry – This group, meeting monthly, combines fun and talent in creating handcrafted and recycled greeting cards, which are available for purchase at affordable prices outside the church office.
Men’s Fellowship – All men of the church are invited to breakfast on the second Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. at Son-Rise Bakery, downtown Warren.
SOS – This women’s support group, which meets on the second Thursday of each month, serves the church and community in a variety of ways. What does SOS stand for? Share Our Selves, Save Our Sanity, Serve Our Savior—all apply!
Widows Care and Share – Dedicated to the widows of the area, this group is not a “grief” group, but one that widows come to for sharing grief that might hinder them from moving on. It deals with the day-to-day widow’s experience, but also is a time to have fun and engage in social activities. For more information, contact Billie Horrell, (260) 366-7533, or the church office, (260) 375-3873.
Discipleship Training – Pastor John offers anyone who feels led to ministry or service to join him to develop and begin to follow their calling for service in the church body and/or in the everyday world. Discipleship is based on the individual’s specific calling and is done mostly on an individual basis. Pastor John will assist you in bringing your calling to reality and assist you in being fully equipped for what God has called you to do! This is for all ages.
Pastoral Counseling – Pastor John will meet with those who desire to have pastoral counseling for whatever reason. This includes, but is not limited to, premarital counseling, marriage counseling, end-of-life counseling, and more. Pastor John will also give referrals should the subject be beyond the scope of his abilities.
Prayer Chain – Requests for prayer are communicated through text messages and a phone tree. Call the church office at (260) 375-3873 with your request. If the office is closed, call Pastor John at (260) 580-8305.
Scholarships – Solid Rock members and regular attenders may apply for college scholarships offered annually.
Note: All adults who work with minors in any church-sponsored activity have passed a background check.