Missions We Support
Solid Rock Church takes seriously the commands of Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37), and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). In an effort to fulfill these commands, Solid Rock supports a variety of missions, on local, national, and international levels.

Bread of Life Food Pantry
This community-wide outreach serves Warren and surrounding areas. Solid Rock supports this ministry both through donations and volunteering of services. The food bank is open every week and serves an average of over 50 families each week.
Backpack Palooza
Warren First Baptist Church has hosted this event since 2017. This program ensures that every child in our community has a backpack and school supplies to start the new school year. The most recent Backpack Palooza supplied 700 backpacks to area families.

By the Book
Incorporated as The Huntington County Council of Weekday Religious Education, the program provides students in third, fourth, and fifth grades in each of the six Huntington County elementary schools with religious education classes in “Bible trailers,” off school property, with parental permission. It is governed by the Associated Churches of Huntington County and funded completely by donations. Third graders are introduced to the basics of Christianity and the Bible; fourth graders delve into the Old Testament; fifth graders study Jesus and the New Testament.
New Life Ministries
A faith-based, nonprofit organization, New Life Ministries serves those in need of food, shelter, and a purpose-filled life. Free weekday lunches and nightly dinners are provided to the community in downtown Huntington. In 2023, 17,974 meals were served. Transitional housing was provided for 19 men in their Men’s Life House in 2023 and for 33 women in their Women’s Life House. They also have a respite home for children and teens with the Department of Child Services. New Life Ministries serves those in need of a purpose-filled life by sharing the love of Christ with all they serve.

Remnant House
A not-for-profit faith-based organization focused on helping women find freedom from addiction, Remnant House provides a safe environment where women can find healing and freedom through a 12-18 month program. A variety of services are provided for the women to equip them with all they need to live a life of freedom. Their mission: “Bringing hope to the helpless, healing to the broken, and freedom to the bound through the reckless love of Jesus Christ.”
Society of Saint Andrew
This organization brings people together to harvest and share healthy food, reduce food waste, and build caring communities by offering nourishment to hungry neighbors. Since opening a regional office in Indianapolis in 2018, the SoSA has operated a statewide, volunteer-driven Gleaning Network in Indiana that coordinates with local farmers, thousands of volunteers, and hunger relief agencies. 2023 Impact: 225 tons of food prevented from going to waste, 99 receiving agencies, and more than 180,000 individuals served.

Henderson Settlement
The mission of Henderson Settlement is, as part of the body of Christ, to lift up Jesus Christ by providing basic needs in Appalachia through God’s love. Located in an impoverished area of Kentucky, centered in Frakes, Henderson Settlement works in multiple ways to improve the lives of residents and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Solid Rock supports Henderson with gifts and through participation in an annual mission trip, completing a variety of projects.
Empowering the Church in Ethiopia
The Great Lakes Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church is partnering with churches in Ethiopia to support pastoral families for the education of their children. There is no salary subsidy, conference health insurance or retirement program for Ethiopian pastors. Our sponsorship of $300 supports up to two children to pay school fees, buy school books and food, and clothe their children for school.

Hope for Haiti
The mission of this non-profit organization is to improve the quality of life for the Haitian people, particularly children, through education, healthcare, water, infrastructure and economy. Hope for Haiti also has an emergency relief component and has responded to several natural disasters, such as the 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew. Many charities work in Haiti, but this ministry works to solve the problems of poverty at the root cause.
Jerusalem Light of Hope Church
Pastor John met Kehinde Adetola through the social app Pastors for Pastors. Kehinde (pastor of Jerusalem Light of Hope Church in Nigeria) asked Pastor John to mentor him. Pastor John and Kehinde became good friends and together began to address several needs in his church and other churches in Nigeria. Solid Rock Church’s missions team has adopted Kehinde’s church and helps them financially.

Heifer International
The children of Solid Rock Church have raised funds to help this organization, which provides hunger relief internationally. Through the children’s efforts, live chickens have been sent overseas to support a village. This mission continues and the children are excited to participate in this effort!