Gift Giving
The giving of gifts or offerings/tithes has been going on since the time of Adam and Eve. The first recorded account of this is found in Genesis 4 with the story of Cain and Abel. The giving of gifts often reflects a fondness and connection between the giver and receiver of said gift. We practice giving gifts in various ways: birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, weddings, and so on. Regarding our religious/faith system, people give tithes to support local and global ministries of the church. In days past, the church was the source of education, developing hospitals, providing for the needs of the poor, and caring for the needs of those performing the ministries. The priests (Levites) were set apart from all the other tribes of Israel, and their main purpose was to minister to the other twelve tribes.
When you donate to Solid Rock Church, your gifts do the same. Not only do the tithes go to the general needs of the church (utilities, upkeep of the buildings, insurance, and more), they meet the educational needs of those in the church/community (Sunday School materials, Bibles, classes, and special speakers, and more), health issues and needs, meeting the needs of the poor (emergency funds, food banks, community needs, etc.), and social needs (natural disasters, loss of loved ones/funeral needs, relief funding). Your gifts do all of this and more. Outreach ministries are funded, missional work is completed locally and globally, and we become the hands and feet of God serving the world around us.

There are several ways to provide gifts and offerings:

- Offering plates – These are located at the entrance of the sanctuary as you enter each Sunday morning.
- Online – You can do this each week, monthly, or as God places it on your heart. A link can be found on this page.
- Via land mail – You can mail your gifts/offerings to Solid Rock Church, P.O. Box 322, Warren, IN 46792
- The giving of your gifts/talents – We understand that not all can give financially from time to time. You can give the gift of service. In the book of Acts, Peter and John were entering the Gate Beautiful, and a beggar asked for finances from the two Disciples. (Acts 3:1-10) Peter said to the beggar, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” God is not asking for things that you don’t have. He knows your needs and abilities. Jesus stated that simply giving a glass of water to someone in need is a blessing!
As you give as you are led, you can either give to the general fund, which funds the majority of outreach and needs of the church, or you can designate your offering to one or more ministries in the church. Most importantly, we want you to be a joyful giver! When you give, give what makes you happy and what God places on your heart. It shouldn’t cause you pain or anxiety to donate. Abel gave gladly to God and he was blessed for it. We want you to be blessed in your giving as well.
Thank you for supporting the ministries of Solid Rock Church. Together, we can meet the needs of the church and the community around us!